Life on Kelleys – The Emerald Isle News – made its debut on Kelleys Island in May 2023. Along with some regular features, there is coverage of events, a history column, advertisements, and all the local news you could want. Published during the summer by Gerald & Victoria Rovder with Caroline Jorski, Editor.
SEPTEMBER 2024 – Green Devils Softball team wins the 2024 Lake Erie Inter-Island Softball Leagues Championship. Highlights of KILA 50th Homecoming. Wild School Site Dedication at the school. Columns by the Mayor and the Chamber, 30 years of Make-a-Wish swims completed, volunteers keep KI clean by picking up trash, Council notes, editorial on Transient Housing ordinance, Historical Assoc. article, KI Audubon Club, KI School Field Station, Fall Monarch articles, obits (Karen Marie Maust and Lynn Dupuy), and the 1888 Presidential Election.
AUGUST 2024 – KILA celebrates its 50th Anniversary Homecoming. Columns from the Mayor, the Parsonage resale shop, The School Field Station, VFW Post 9908, the Chamber, Audubon Club, St. Michael’s Church, and Council Notes. Jeni Hammond and Cindra Mielke make their 30th swim for Make-a-Wish. Lots of photos from Islandfest. Chicago’s Walleye Special recipe. The winners from the KI Got Talent Show. Photos from the 7th year of Nature Camp. Obituary for Rita Brdicka. History column – Checkers on the Brain (1869).
JULY 2024 – The new Community Park Playground is now open. Upcoming events. The Kelleys Island Navy (50 years ago) formed the roots of the KI Landowners Assoc. 30 years of benefit swims by Cindra Mielke and Jeni Hammond. Chamber news and an update on the 5-10k run. VFW, Herndon Gallery, St. Michael’s church, & Parsonage Resale Shop news. Bill Campbell celebrates his 90th birthday. Summer programs at the School Field Station. Public meeting on airport land acquisition and road relocation-August 14. Two new members appointed to Board of Education: Abbey Rosado and Janet Wermuth (replacing Tom Beck and Cindy Herndon). Patti Johnson sells the KI Brewery to Bill and Joy Gallagher and Abbey Miller of Avon Lake. Photos from the Greasy Pole competition. A Walleye recipe. Obit for Edward Myers. History of The Independent Order of Island Loafers (c1800s).
JUNE 2024 – Herndon’s Gallery opens its new patio. The Mayor talks about the need for tighter enforcement of the zoning code and permit process etc. Gov. DeWine awards $10,000 to the village for the purchase of valve exercising and leak detection equipment. Photos from Safety Services Day. Updates from the VFW Post 9908, K I Landowners Assoc., the Chamber, Jeni & Cindra’s Make-a-Wish swim, and Council notes. The Ferrari Club visits the Island. The Police Dept. reminds everyone that it is time for golf cart inspections, APV stickers, and camping permits. Senior lunches are back. The Zoning Inspector reports on the state of zoning and camping permits. The new Transient Rental Ordinance is explained. Obituaries for: Peter Legere, Geraldine (Gerri) Smith), Shirley Crabill, and Kim Watkins. A history of the Schardt’s Island House Hotel & Party rooms.
MAY 2024 – From the Mayor’s Desk: Recap of revenue increasing actions including increasing various fees and new permitting for transient rentals and some of the Village projects that are under way. The Island embraces the big Eclipse event. School activities. Pickleball and fitness classes. Cemetery cleaning and a list of prohibited items. The VFW Post 9908 recaps winter events and plans for 2024. Find treasures at the Parsonage Resale Shop. KILA shares its fundraising successes. The Field Station update including Nature Camp and a sponsorship program. Janice Kraus retires from the KI school after 6 years. List of this year’s events. The KI students assembled and placed a time capsule in the wall of the newly remodeled police station. Recap of the new Transient Rental Ordinance. Notes from the April Council meeting. The KI Audubon Club holds its first pot luck and posts its bird watching guide of island locations. The KI State Park celebrated its 75th anniversary with a tree planting and dedication. Obituaries: Carol (Schlesselman) Schnittker, Jane Wick, James Yatson Sr., Michael Feyedelem, Leo Schreiner, Lenore (Knapp) Remy, William Minshall, Elsie (Zorn) Homegardner, Very Baka, and Tom Beck. Jeni & Cindra celebrate 30 years of benefit swims for Make A Wish.
May 2023 – The Easter egg hunt. Reports from the Mayor, VFW Post 9908 (celebrating 75 years with a little history of the building), Camp Patmos, the KI Historical Assoc., KILA, the Chamber, the school ( and the cross-country team), the Zion and St. Michaels churches,
The KI Audubon Club celebrates 30 years, Fall 2022 owl banding research released. Bill Ohlemacher is the new Principal of the KI school. The Ki Wine Co. holds a chicken derby. Stacey Notestine holds yoga classes, the School completes a strategic plan. Zoey Marek Leonard and Michael Vargo are married. Officer James Bartus head the KI Police force. Obituaries – Catherine Ullrich, Robert Coulon Sr., Charles Burns, Johanna Vetovitz, Katie Bugel, Marymargaret Welly, Byron Crabill. A History of Island newspapers.
June 2023 – Coverage of the Glacial Grooves Geological Preserve dedication. The Herndon Gallery hosts famous cellist Brian Shifflet. Plan for the 29th Annual KI Make-A-Wish swim & golf cart poker run. Updates from the 4-H, KI Landowners Assoc., KI History Museum, VFW 9908, the KI Chamber, the Zion and St. Michaels churches and the Parsonage Resale Shop. School custodian Joy Joyce retires. June Campbell writes about the German Reformed Church’s history. Jim Zeller reports a rare bird sighting-Kirtland Warbler. The School students hold an art show. Road Scholar birders spend a week on KI. Obituaries for Ray Meyers, Sarah Bishop Merrill and Emil Charles Hach. Leslie Korenko write about Decoration in 1870 and today.
July 2023 – School children in the news. Updates from the Chamber, the VFW Post 9908, the Parsonage shop, the KI school field station, St. Michaels and the Zion Church. Obituaries: Frank Vincent Muscioni and Elizabeth ‘Penny” Kyle. Deputy Sheriff Ron Schnittker retires. The Erie County Community Health Center opens on Kelleys Island.
August 2023 – New playground at Community Park planned, Updates from the Mayor, pickleball, the Make-A-Wish swim, VFW Post 9908, KI Landowners Assoc., the KI Audubon Club. History articles include – the 4th of July in 1872; 1890 ordinance regulating livestock on roads, and the Island in July 1873. KILA October family hayride, Lots of photos from Islandfest, Nature Camp 2023. Patti Johnson announced the history and closing of the Kelleys Island Brewery (formerly an ice cream shop!).