The Erie Echo was a school newspaper that was published by The News in Vermilion. It was produced by the high school seniors of each school in Erie County Ohio. Originally published every six weeks during the school from 1924 to 1931. Contributing school districts included Berlin Hts., Birmingham, Florence, Huron, Kelleys Island, Margaretta, Milan and Vermilion. Here are the pages for Kelleys Island.
1924 October – Kelleys Island Rumbling – Devoted to the cause of educational progress on Kelleys Island. Poem ‘Grand Old Kelley Isle.” School News – Teacher: W E Parks Supt; Oscar A Kirely Principal; Mrs. Viva Schnittker &* grades; Ruth Reinheimer 5 & 6 grades; Margaret Perkinson 3 & 4 grades; Kathleen Hall first & 2 grades. Lat & longitude. A new basketball was purchased.
1924 December – A poem about KI summer weather. Freshmen initiation at Marquette Hall. Prof. Karl Wilson Gehrkens-A distinguished native and alumnus of the Kelley Island High School. Teachers: Mr. Parks and Kiraly, Mrs. Schnittker, Miss Reinheimer, Perkins, Bell, Selma Nader and Mary Louise Diffley. The KI High School and its first graduating class of 1889: Minnie Seaton, Maggie Stokes, Norman Vepp [Upp], Larry Sternberger. Second class: Bertha Iucker, Elizabeth Uiker [Iucker], Mary Gherkins, Jennie Deffenback [Diffenbach] and Frank Matin [Martin]. Estes School elevated from second grade to first grade school. The KI Civic Club cleaned up the park and planted bulbs. Advertisements: The Kelley Island Lime & Transport Co (largest lime producing co. in the world), F J Reinheimer general merchandise, The Casino-Chas. B Martin (candy & soft drinks, Peters Cartridges and shells), Edgewater (now selling 27 lots on the east end, Ray H Gersuch, Arnold Elfers service station. Mrs. Louis Huber is selling a church bell.
1925 January – Society News – Mentioned: Frank Stokes, William McKillips, Mary Louise Diffley, a Davis car, Paul Bauman’s Chevrolet, Frank Haig, Mrs. Carry Haig, Mrs. Frank Martin and several teachers were named. Prof. Karl Wilson Gehrkins featured in ‘Current News’ published by the General Electric Co. Ice boating and ice conditions. School head count.
1925 March – Poem: Isle O’ My Dreams. Track meet. Kel-Isle Park-Plans to drill a well, move Inscription Rock and put a piece of Glacial Groove in the park, which was purchased from John Himmelein. Class news, Agriculture class. A well was drilled in the school yard. Advertisement: Island Jersey Farm-Geo. A Becker.
1925 May – An overview of the Kelley’s Island Lime & Transport Co. School – enrollment of 160 pupils and the need for a gymnasium. Excursion to loading dock, the large tunnel with belt. High school play planned. New advertisements: Martin’s Confectionery-Candies, Esmond Ice Cream and Martin’s Service Station-Miller Cord tires and Exide batteries.
1925 October – Clubs: Oratorical Club, Debating Club, Glee Club. School begins. Constitution Day. Grape Vacation-mentioned Mr. Keller, Mrs. Sharod, Miss Jenkins.
1925 November – Basket Ball game, school charter prepared, Glee Club news, Glen Haas described an old trail. Personals: John Verok [Verock], Helen Marchky, Helen Perkinson, Mr. Bauman, Mrs. Sherod, Miss Jenkins, Clifford Hamilton, KI Lime & Transport Co. Imagine!: Harold Schoewe, Anna Lanyo, Mary Augusta, Florence Dwelle, Mary Martin, Helen Marchky, Esther Bauman, Glen Haas, John Verock, Oscar McKillips, Genevieve Kennedy, Clayton Schlesselman, Vyrl Blatt, Catherine Lang [Lange], Selma, Mary Louise, Paul Bauman, Harold Keifer, Ernest Fenwick, Oscar McKillips and Roy Erne.