THE ISLANDER II published between 1937-1938
The first page described why this was undertaken. The publication for which this is written, it, in a certain sense a rebirth or resurrection of an earlier Kelleys Island periodical called “The Islander. ”You are probably wondering what prompted us to start such a venture on Kelleys Island. There are several reasons. The first is: There is always something happening here, and the only means of communication are the tongues of the Islanders. This, as we all know, makes for an interesting conversation…Secondly: The summer people here feel that they would enjoy knowing their island neighbors more intimately….Lastly: in hopes that we might, by this little venture, start the ball rolling for a more complete year round island paper, written, published and read by and for Kelleys Island.
This newsletter contains a wealth of information and stories about people who lived on the Island almost 100 years ago!
Islander II Contents
August 7, 1937
August 14 1937
August 21, 1937
August 28, 1937
September 4, 1937
July 9, 1938
July 23, 1938
August 6, 1938
August 27, 1938
September 3, 1938