CONTENTS 1872-1876

CONTENTS: Kelleys Island 1872-1876
The hotels, the telegraph & and Lime Company

by Leslie Korenko

— A–
100-Day Men; 10th Cavalry; 130th Ohio; 130th Ohio Infantry; 3rd Ohio Cavalry; 72nd O V I.; Agnes Potter; Ague; Airplane; Bertha Alder; Emma Alder; Prof E W Alexander; Alice Strong; Sophia Allemann; F W Alvord; American Eagle; American Steel & Wire Co.; American Wine Co.; Ancient Order of Hibernians; Albert Andlauer; Annaliese’s Treasure Chest; Carl Anwander; Mary Anwander; Charlie Anwanderer; Apples; Arrow
— B —
B F Dwelle & Co.; B F Ferris; J C Bachelor; Bake oven; Ball Alley; Ballast Island; Dr Ballemy; Bankruptcy; Barber; Barber shop; Barn; James Barnett; William Barrigan; Patrick Barry; Robert Barry; Charly Bartchi; Elizabeth Bartsche; Emil Bartsche; Jacob Bartsche; Base Ball; Bass; Bass fishing; Batchelor, J C.; H S Bates; Bath house; Bauer; Elizabeth Bauer; E C Bauman; Sam Bauman; Samuel Bauman; William Bauman; John Baumgartner; Frederick Baumler; John Baumler; Bay City Dancing Club; Bay View Wine Co.; Christopher Bazar; Andrew Beatty; Benjamin Beatty; Christina Beatty; Lewis Beatty; Mary Beatty; Louis Beatty; Karl Becker; William Becker; Beebe House; Beebe’s dock; Beer; Mrs Bellamy; Thomas Bellamy; Dr Bellemy; Margaret Bellemy; William Berrigan; Alexander Betzenheimer; Frank Betzenheimer; Fred Betzenheimer; John Betzenheimer; Lilly Betzenheimer; Louise Betzenheimer; Bezique; Billiard Cue; Billiard parlor; Billiard saloon; John Bimler; Annie Binder; Birds; Annie Bixler; Black bass; Blacksmith; Mr Blair; Carl Blatt; John Blatt; Board of Education; Boarding house; Boat house; Boat race; Pound Boat; Boesch’s Dock; Andrew Boker; Hulda Boker; Kurt Boker; William Boker; Sophia Bollinger; George Bookerman; C Booth; Maria Bordenhop; Mrs Bosworth; Samuel Bowman; Elizabeth Bowser; Samuel; Annie Branan; Ellen Branan; Brandy; Barheloane Branen; Bartholomew Branen; Ellen Branen; Mary Branen; Agnes Brannan; Bartheloene Brannan; Bartholomew Brannan; John Brannan; Margaret Brannan; Margreth Brannan; Maria Brannan; Mary Brannen; Burtly Braumn; Charles Bremer; Frederika Bremer; Margaret Bremer; Minnie Bremer; Wilhelmina Bremer; John Brenen; Theresa Brenen; Bartholomew Brennan; Margaret Brennan; Mary Brennan; Michael Brennan; Ronald Brickner; Bridget Bridget; Anna Katherine Brinkman; Addie Bristol; Addison Bristol; Electa Bristol; Jennie Bristol; Mrs George Bristol; Sarah Bristol; Brooks; C W Brown; Captain Brown; Edwin Brown; Otto Brown; S Brown; Gen Ralph Buckland; Ralph Buckland; Buckwheat; Buess; Charles Bunke; Dora Bunke; Fred Bunke; Frederick Bunke; George Burrell; Butcher; Butter; Bridgit Byrne
— C —
Cahaba Prison; Calico Necktie Party; Calkins & Co.; Charles Calkins; G W Calkins; George Calkins; Calkins, Hickox, & Younglove; Lydia Calkins; Calkins, Younglove & Hickox; Cameron Road; Andrew Cameron; Anna Cameron; Bertie Cameron; Daisy Cameron; Gertie Cameron; Harry Cameron; J Frank Cameron; James Cameron; Jennie Cameron; John Cameron; Nettie Cameron; Candy; Candy pull; Elizabeth Canem; William Capener; Captain’s Corner; Harriet Carpener; Alida Carpenter; Caroline Carpenter; Charles Carpenter; Lester Carpenter; Mollie Carpenter; Mary Carpenter; Sallie Carpenter; Sarah Carpenter; Charles Carpenter; Carpenter’s Point; Carpenter’s wine cellar; Carriage stone; Carrington; Elisabeth Carson; Alberta Carter; Casino; Castalia; Catawba Island Wine Co.; Catholic Fair; Catholic Festival; Catholic parsonage; Catholic Society; Cats; Mrs Cattanach; Hugh Cattanaugh; Hugh Cattenach; Mary Cattenach; Cattle; Cedar; Cemetery; Winnefred Cemlin; Centennial; Centennial Exposition; Champagne; Chandelier; Chandelier Party; Channeling Machine; Ross Chapin; Elizabeth Chapman; Checkers; Cherries; Chicago fire; Chicago; Chief Justice Waite; Henry Chisholm; Stewart Chisholm; Caroline Christofel; Fannie Christofel; Church: Society, Beatty, Catholic Church, Congregational, Evangelical, First Congregational, German, German Methodist, German Reformed, Little Beatty, Lutheran Evangelical, Protestant, St Michael’s Union Evangelical, Zion; Cigars; Cincinnati; Clara Bell; Claret; Diodate Clark; Eliza Clark; James Clark; John Clark; William Clary; Margaretta Claugharty; Clemmon’s beach; Clemmon’s Bros Dock; Clemmons boys; Clemmons of Marblehead; Clemon’s house; Clemons brothers; Clemons Dock; A J Clemons; Captain Clemons; Hubbard Clemons; Lucien Clemons; Amalia Cleson; Mina Clessen; Wilhelmina Clessen; Cleveland; Cleveland Rolling Mill; Coal; Coal wagon; Coe; Cogswell; Collector of the Port; Capt B M Collier; Chaplain Collier; Colorado; Elisha Colver; Franklin Colver; Judge Colver; Judge E M Colver; Comet; Commerce Club; Commercial College of Sandusky; Company K; Concord Stage; Congregational Society; Congress shoes; Maggie Connor; Consuello; Cooke; Jay Cooke; Cooper shop; Corliss Engine; Corn; Rev Corohan; Alfred Cousins; Elizabeth Cousins; Joe Cousins; Joseph Cousins; Margareth Cousins; Cow; Joe Cozzins; Mollie Crawford; Credit Mobilier; Cricket Lodge; Crystals; Nicholas Cunningham; Custom House; Custom Office; Anna Cuthbert
— D —
Annie Daly; Michael Daly; Danbury Station; Dancing; Alf Dean; Arthur Dean; Charles Dean; Eddie Dean; Electa Dean; Eliza Dean; Jerry Dean; John Dean; Lula Dean; Mable Dean; Oscar Dean; Perry Dean; Walter Dean; Decoration Day; Deide; Belding Delamater; Delaware; Dentist; Denver; Denver City; William Denzen; William Denzer; John Deringer; William Deringer; J H Devoreaux; Mr Dick; Jacob Diffenbach; Jennie Diffenbach; Peter Diffley; Dime Novel; Frederick Dischinger; Fred Dishinger; Henry Dishinger; Diver; Division Street; Divorce; Dock Master; Docks: Calkins & Co., East Bay, Kelley’s Island Lime Co., Middle, N Kelley & Co., Norman Kelley & Co., North, North, Steam boat, West; Doctor; John Dodge; Mary Dodge; Otto Dodge; Henry Doerner; Dogs; Fred Donahoe; Dramatic Club; Dramatic Company; Patrick Drohan; C John Duey; Ellen Duffy; Mary Duffy; Gustus Duignan; John Duignan; Kate Duignan; Mary Duignan; Patrick Duignan; William Duignan; Phillip Duising; John Duly; Dutch; Dutcher stage route; Mr Dutcher; Dutcher’s Express; Anton Duysing; Clara Duysing; Phillip Duysing; Ada Amelia Dwelle; Addie Amelia Dwelle; Alonzo Dwelle; Amelia Dwelle; B F Dwelle; Capt Alonzo Dwelle; Clara Dwelle; Elana Dwelle; Hubbard Dwelle; J T Dwelle; Jared Dwelle; Sylvester Dwelle; Wilbert Dwelle; William Dwelle; Dwelle’s Dock
— E —
Eagle; East Lakeshore Dr.; Eggs; A Eldred; Arron Eldredge; Election; Electricity; Elfers’ Store; Arnold Elfers; Emma Elfers; Fred Elfers; Frederick Elfers; George Elfers; Gusta Mary Elfers; Gustave Elfers; Henney Elfers; Henry Elfers; Marie Elfers; Mary Elfers; Nettie Elfers; Mary Elling; Elminger’s Boot Shop; English; Epizootic; Erie; Erie County 4-H Camp; Erie County Atlas; Alfon Erne; Andrew Erne; Friedoline Erne; John Erne; Karl Erne; Raphael Erne; Charles Ernie; Carl Erny; Adeline Estes; James Estes; James Jr Estes; Ethan Allen; Euchre; Evening Star; Evergreen; Exchange
— F —
Mary Ann Fallen; Martin Falvy; Mary Fanning; Farciot & Wehrle; Charles Farciot; Fanny Farciot; Theresa Farciot; Farciot’s Cordial; Capt John Farwell; Fashions; Fat Man; Jimmy Fay; Philip Feltman; Ferris; S C Ferris; Gertie Ferry; Fiery Furnace; Mr Fike; William Finucan; Fire; Fire hose; First National Bank of Kelley’s Island; Fish; Fish boxes; Fish hatchery; Fish shanty; Fish, black bass; Justine Fisher; Sister Jane Fisher; Fisherman’s Rock; Fishing: Bass, pound, sport; Margaret Flemens; Margareth Flemming; John Flemmons; Flour; Flux trade; Honora Flynn; Henry Foembling; Forest Maid; Charles Foster; Hon Charles Foster; H G Fox; P Fox; Fox’s Dock; Rev C H Frazer; Stephen French; Captain Freyensee; Mary Fry; Mary Frye; May Fuller
— G —
G W Calkins & Co.; Francis Gallagher; Mr Garibaldi; Gas supply; Gasoline; Gazelle; Albert Gehrkens; H F Gehrkens; Henry Gehrkens; Mary Gehrkens; Fred Gehrkins; General Grant; General Meade; General Store; T Gerald, George Gerlach; Germania; Germania Reed Band; Germans; Gibralter Island; Gilmare; Richard Gilmon; Gilmore; Glacial grooves; John Glaconer; William Glasingman; Golden Eagle; Golden Eagle Resort; Goldsmith’s Maid; Bill & Ferne Gorchester; Victor Gori; Albert Gowan; Caleb Gowen; Graham (grain); Grand Duke Alexis; Granite State; Grapes: crop, rot, Catawba, Concord, Delaware, Delores, Catawba, Concord, Delaware Isabella, Ives, Virginia Seedling; Catherine Grau; Katherine Grau; Robert Gray; Great Western Band; Great Western Light Guard Band; Carl Gremasbacher; Leopold Gremasbacher; Grooves; Ground Hog Day; Guns
— H —
H F Merry; Sebbilla Hafner; Henry E Hagan; Viola Haig; Ann Haley; Charles Haley; John Haley; Mary Haley; L A Hall; Hamilton & Co.; Hamilton brothers; Albert Hamilton; Clerk Hamilton; Eliza Hamilton; Emily Hamilton; Frank Hamilton; Harriet Hamilton; Hattie Hamilton; Hazel Hamilton; Henry Hamilton; Howard Hamilton; James Hamilton; James Jr Hamilton; Mattie Hamilton; Michael Hamilton; Mitchel Hamilton; Mitchell Hamilton; Robert Hamilton; Sabra Hamilton; Samuel Hamilton; Sarah Hamilton; Titus Hamilton; William Hamilton; Wilson Hamilton; L C Hanna; Martha Hanna; Mattie Hanna; S D Hardman; Harny; Harper’s; Eva Harriman; Colonel L A Harris; Hartshorn’s Dock; Harriet Harwood; Captain Hauser; John Hauser; Hay; Albertus Hayes; Anna Hayes; Ellen Hayes; Jacob Hayes; Jake Hayes; Lori Hayes; Lucy Hayes; Patrick Hayes; Haynes brothers; Jacob Hays; Kenneth Heckel; August Heckerman; Catherine Heckerman; David Heckerman; Ferdinand Heckerman; Mary Ann Heckerman; Susan Heckerman; Mary Heckermann; Dr Sarah K Henderson; Barbara Hendinger; Henry rifles; W Y Herick; Henry Herrick; Rufus Herrick; Belle Hess; Herman Hess; Annie Hesse; Elizabeth Hesse; Herman Hesse; Hickox; Charles Hickox; Laura F Hickox; Mrs Hill; Henry Hiller; Hermon Hiller; D H Hills; E M W Hills; Himmelein Hotel; Himmelein House; Beatrice Himmelein; John Himmelein; Richard Himmelein; George Hinde; Sarah Hinde; Frank Hipp; Leonard Hipp; Mary Hipp; Charles Hitchcock; Hogs; Charlotte Holbrook; Martin K Holbrook; Katherine Holy; Katie Holy; Home Missionary Society of Ohio; Horse; Delia Howlett; Emma Howlett; Giles Howlett; M D Howlett; Mary Howlett; Milton Howlett; Myron Howlett; R B Hubbard; Hughes Bros & Bangs; John Hughes; Michael Hughes; Mike Hughes; Grace Hukill; Hunter; Huntington Lane; Alfred Huntington; Daniel Huntington; Elzina; Emeline Huntington; Emma Huntington; Erastus Huntington; George Huntington; Georgie Huntington; J A Huntington; Joseph Huntington; Mrs Dan Huntington; Sallie Huntington; Simon Huntington; Annie Hutchinson; John Hutchinson; Mary Hutchinson
— I —
Ice boat; Ice house; Ice skating; Incubator; Indians; Inscription Rock; Insurance; Irish; Ironclad mail boat; Island House; Island Queen; Islander
— J —
Jack the Horse; Jail; James Hamilton & Co; Jay Cooke; Jay Cooke & Co.; Jessie Conger; Johnson’s Island; Johnson’s Island prison; Bertha Jucker; Elisa Jucker; Rudolf Jucker; Rudolph Jucker; Kansas; Elisabetha Karver; Christian Kastning; Frederick Kastning; Katherine Kastning
— K —
Louisa Kause; James Keaton; Mary Ellen Keeley; Michael Keeley; Moses Keeley; Caroline Keifer; A K Kelley; A S Kelley; Addison Kelley; Alfred Kelley; Alfred S Kelley; Angeline Kelley; Ann Kelley; Anna Kelley; Captain Kelley; Charles Kelley; Charles W.Kelley; Daniel Kelley; Darlene Kelley; Datus Kelley; Eddie Kelley; Everett Kelley; Evy Kelley; F M Kelley; F N Kelley; Francis Kelley; Frank Kelley; Franklin Kelley; Freddie Kelley; George Kelley; Grace Kelley; Gus Kelley; Gussie Kelley; H C Kelley; Hannah Kelley; Harriet Kelley; Hattie Kelley; Henry Kelley; Irad Kelley; Irving Kelley; Jean Kelley; Joseph Kelley; Julius Kelley; Laura Kelley; Marcella Kelley; Martha Kelley; Mary Kelley; Mrs A Kelley; Mrs Alfred Kelley; Mrs George Kelley; Mrs Norman Kelley; N Kelley; Norman Kelley; Sara Kelley; Thomas Kelley; W H Kelley; William D Kelley; Willie Kelley; Zina Kelley;H Kelley; Henry Kelley; Kelley’s Hall; Kelley’s Hall shed; Kelley’s Island & Sandusky Cable Co.; Kelley’s Island & Sandusky Telegraph Co.; Kelley’s Island Dock Co.; Kelley’s Island Dramatic Club; Kelley’s Island Dramatic Society; Kelley’s Island Lime & Transport Co.; Kelley’s Island Lime & Transportation Co.; Kelley’s Island Lime Co.; Kelley’s Island Wine Co.; Kelleys Island Lime & Transport Co.; Kelley’s Island Literary Society; Kelley’s Island Wine Co.; Mary Kelly; John Kennedy; Mary Kennedy; Michael Kennedy; Kent; Mary Kessler; Philip Kessler; Caroline Kiefer; General Judson Kilpatrick; Sister Lucille Kime; E C King; James King; Maria Klevens; Mary Eva Klevens; Minnie Klevens; J H Klippart; Klotz & Kromer; Katherine Knopp; Adam Koegle; Teresa Koegle; John Koehn; Henry Koster; Herman Koster; J F Koster; Katherine; Sophia Koster; John Kreiger; Josephine Krupp; Edward Kuchar; Charles Kuemin; Kugle Brothers; Albert Kugler; Rev J G Kuhl
— L —
Brigit Laden,; Elle Laden; Ladies Aid Society; Lake Erie Steamboat Co.; Lakeside Dock; Addie Lam; Elizabeth Lange; Henry Lange; John Lange; Mary Lange; Larned Kansas; Gus LaRock; Augustine LaRouche; Mary Ann LaRouche; Rittie LaRouche; John Lathen; Joseph Lathen; Mathilde Lauer; Matilda Lauer; Captain Lawler; M J Lawrence; Mr Lay; James Lea; Leamington; Leap Year Party; Mary Leyden; Library; Life-savers; Lighthouse; Lime; Lime kiln; Lime Rock; Limestone; Linch, Annie; Lincoln place; Colonel Lincoln; Emmet Lincoln; Joseph Lincoln; Marion Lincoln; Morris Lincoln; Zipporah Lincoln; Literary Society; Amelia Littleton; George Littleton; Livery stable; Lodge; Longest Fresh Water Sub-Marine Telegraph Cable in the World; Lonz Winery; Lottie Wolf; Eugene Lovisa; Mathilda Lower; Captain J B Luckey; Lucky stone; Christoph Luetgens; Mary Luetgens; Lung fever; Lyceum; Elizabeth Lyons; John Lyons; Winnefred Lyons
— M —
M Tuttle; F H Macke; Michael Madden; Joseph Maerder; Captain Magle; Magner’s Circus; Mail; Mail boat; Mail carrier; K M Malchi; Kettee Malchi; Kittle Malchi; N K Malchi; Mansfield; Marblehead; Marblehead Life Saving Station; Marblehead Lighthouse: Marblehead Peninsula; Marcus Village; R George Marshall; Martin Power & Light Co.; Agnes Martin; Ann Martin; Annie Martin; Bridgit Martin; Charles Martin; Frank Martin; Fred Martin; Frederick Martin; George Martin; Harriet Martin; John Martin; John Martin Jr.; Julia Amanda Martin; Margaret Martin; Mary Martin; Patrick Martin; Susan Martin; Mary Groh; Masons; Jennie Mast; Joseph Matso; Russ Matso; Matso’s Place; Maumee Bay; James Maxwell; John Maxwell; Katherine Maxwell; Thomas Maxwell; Anthony May; John May; Mary Ann May; Mayflower; Bernard McCormick; Ellie McCormick; Caroline McCune; Rev Robert McCune; John McDonald; McGettigan Winery; Ann McGettigan; Anna McGettigan; Barney McGettigan; Bernard McGettigan; Daniel McGettigan; Edward McGettigan; Fanny McGettigan; James McGettigan; Joseph McGettigan; Katie McGettigan; Katy McGettigan; Margaret McGettigan; William McGettigan; Willie McGettigan; Nancy McGettigan; Elizabeth McGinnity; Catherine McGory; Sarah McGory; McGraw & Rankin; Thomas McGurn; Alfred McKillips; Mr McKnerky; Mary McLaughlin; Michael McLaughlin; Thomas McLaughlin; Mary Ann McLaughlin; John McLean; Elizabeth McMahon; Hanora McMahon; Honora McMahon; John McMahon; Captain McNally; Ed McNally; James McNamee; Maggie McNamee; Catherine McNoldi; Honora McNolten; Measles; Meat market; Melodeon; F Merkens; John Mertes; Meschmaun & Schardt; Meteor; Father Metternich; Francis Metternich; Father Metternick; Francis Metternick; Father Mettinger; Mice; Michigan; Microscope; Middle Bass Brass Band; Middle Bass Island; Middle Island; Adam Miller; Anna Miller; Cluminkunde Miller; Dennis Miller; Magdalene Miller; Margaret Miller; Paul Miller; Philipinna Miller; Ringnude Miller; Gen Wm H Mills; John Minor; Minstrels; Daniel Mischler; Henry Mishler; F R Mitternick; Nicholas Moes; Molasses; Eliza Monaghan; John Monaghan; Mary Monaghan; Monarch Wine Co.; John Monegan; James Moneghan; John Moneghan; Patrick Moneghan; Theodosia Moneghan; Money Order Office; Monitor; Captain Monk; Captain Moore; Desmond Moore; Orton Moore; John Moos; Peter Moos; Annie Mootz; Elizabeth Mootz; Emma Mootz; John Mootz; Katherine Mootz; Louis Mootz; Peter Mootz; William Mootz; Mr Morissey; Morning Lark; David Morris; Norman Morris; Susan Morris; C B Morton; Cord Morton; George Morton; Mouse Island; Moysey brothers; Alfred Moysey; David Moysey; John Moysey; Mrs J J Moysey; Robert Moysey; William Moysey; Mules; Mumps; John Murray; Lucy Murray; L D Myers; Mystic
— N —
N Kelley & Co.; John Nagele; Ben Napier; National Bank of Kelley’s Island; National House; Nancy NcGettigan; M Nelly; New Orleans; Newburg Hospital; Newburgh Asylum; Newspaper; Nineteenth Century Furnace; Jeffrey Nordhaus; North Bass Island; North Bay; North woods; Northern Ohio Lunatic Asylum; Northwest; Notary; J Nugent
— O —
Catherine O’Brian; Michael O’Brian; James O’Brien; Margaretta O’Brien; Michael O’Brien; John O’Connell; H E O’Hagan; Oats; Oberlin; Oberlin College; Elizabeth Ocohslo; Fred Ocohslo; Louise Ocohslo; Ohio State Fish Commission; Henry Ohlemacher; Old Kate; Old Nest; Ole Bull; George Orr; Ottawa City; Ottawa County Reporter; Oyster supper
— P —
A J Parmenter; A W Parmenter; R W Parmenter; Jay William Patrick Parmenter; Patriot Army; Peaches; Pearl; Pears; Harriet Pease; Pedro; Pelee Island; Michael Perkinson; Mike Perkinson; M K Perkison; Albert Pessefall; Carrie Peters; Caroline Peters; Charles Peterson; Henry Pfaff; Phantom Party; Philo Parsons; Phoenix Insurance Co.; Photography; Phrenology; Pickerel; Pike; John Pike; Pilah; Jules Emile Planchon; Plaster Bed; A C Platt; Joseph & Donna Plonski; Plums; Andrew Pogon; Florence Pohorence; Frank Pohorence; Point au Pelee; Point Pelee; Ellen Pollen; Phillip Pooch; Henry Pope; Port Huron; Post Master; Post Office; H C Post; Potatoes; August Potter; Henry Potter; Pound boats; Pound fishing; President Grant; J P Preston; Rev J P Preston; Prince of Wales; Henry Pringnitz; Sarah Pringnitz; Public Schools; Tony Purruchon; Put-in-Bay; Put-in-Bay Cable Co.; Put-in-Bay House; Put-in-Bay Telegraph Co.
— Q —
Quadrille Band; Quarry; Quarry housing; Quarry workers; Calkin’s Quarry; Huntington’s Quarry; North Quarry; West Quarry; Quicksilver; Quincy L Gilmore; Charles Quinn; Susan Quinn; Thomas Quinn
— R —
R B Hayes; August Raab; Barbara Raab; Johanna Raab; Margaretta Raab; Henry Radcliff; Thomas Raddy; Rail Road; Amos Randell; Albert Ranft; John Ranft; Margaret Ranft; Charles Ransom; Raspberries; Rats; Rattlesnake Island; Reading Room; Wilhemina Rehburg; William Rehburgh; Charles Reichlin; Reindeer; Robert Reinhart; John Reinheimer; Julie Reinheimer; Mary Ann Reisler; George Reiter; Barbara Rendinger; Carl Renter; Restaurant; Michael Reynolds; Sarah Reynolds; Elizabeth Richer; Theodore Richter; Elisabetha Ricker; Agnes Rieder; George Rieder; Anna Riedy; Balbina Riedy; Emma Riedy; Francis Riedy; Frank Riedy; Henry Riedy; Jacob Riedy; Ludwig Riedy; Maria Riedy; Otto Riedy; Paulin Riedy; Robert Riedy; Elisabetha Riemenshneider Anna Riesler; George Rieter; Peter Rieter; Mary Rindfleish; Risacher James; Riser; Riverside; Robinson (of Point Pelee); Ed Robinson; William Robinson; Willie Robinson; Willy Robinson; Rockport; Maria Roddy; Mary Roddy; Frederick Rohrs; Mary Rohrs; Hattie Root; Rope bed; Roseling’s Dock; Anna Roth; Henry Roth; Round House; Rowing contest; Mary Rudolf; Rush wine cellar; Anna Rush; Edna Rush; Elizabeth Rush; Gertie Rush; Isabella Rush; Jacob Rush; M B Rush; Mary Rush; Sarah Rush; William Rush; Rush Wine Cellar; George Russell; Russian immigrants; Rye
— S —
S C Baldwin; Saccharometer; Sadie Hawkins Day; Saginaw; Sailer; Salmon; Saloon; G M Saltzgaber, Sandusky; Sandusky & Kelley’s Island Cable Co.; Sandusky Light Artillery; Sandusky Light Guard; Santa Barbara; Sarah Van Epps; Sault St Marie; Christina Saylor; John Saylor; Mathew Saylor; Mathias Saylor; William Saylor; Scarlet Fever; August Schaedler; Fred Schaedler; William Schaedler; Carl Schappenhauer; Louis Schappenhauer; Schardt Hotel; Schardt House; Adam Schardt; Fred Schardt; Robert Schelb; Charles Schesselman; William Schesselman; Fred Schipple; Pauline Schipple; William Schlesselman; Elizabeth Schmid; Adeline Schmidt; Frank Schmidt; Josephine Schmidt; Mary Schmidt; Godfried Schock; John Schoendorff; School; School District 1; School house; School Superintendent; School; Catholic; Common; Congregational Sabbath; East Side; Estes; German; Grammar; High; North Side; Primary; Public; Sabbath; Select; South Side; Stone; Sunday; Amalia Schoppenhauser; Louis Schoppenhauser; Elizabeth Schuck; Lizzie Schumaker; Ashima Scripp; Sea  Lyon; Seabird; Mrs H W Seaton; Adolf Seeholzer; Carl Seeholzer; Charles Seeholzer; Hugo Seeholzer; Elizabeth Selfe; James A Selfe; Elko Sennish; Jack Sennish; Alida Seton; Arthur Seton; Charles Seton; David Seton; Harry Seton; James Seton; Minerva Seton; Sewing machine; Sewing Society; Alice Seylor; Elizabeth Seylor; George Henry Seylor; Martin Seylor; Oppalona Seylor; William Seylor; Henrietta Shaddle; Frederick Shaedler; Elda Shaw; Sheepshead; John Sherbno; Sheriff; Frederick Shipple; Shoemaker; Sidewalk; Pitt Simmons; Singer Sewing Machine; Captain Slackford; Slaughter house; Alice Slaven; Bridget Slaven; Elizabeth Slaven; Henry Slaven; J Robert Slaven; James Slaven; Lawrence Slaven; Mary Slaven; Patrick Slaven; William Slaven; Sleigh ride; Judge Sloan; R R Sloane; Betsy Smith; James Smith; James Smith Jr.; James Smith Sr.; Katy Smith; Laura Smith; Louisa Smith; Mary Smith; Mary Ann Smith; Nicholas Smith; Smoke house; Smoking; Soap; Dr Jane Spaulding; Butt Spencer; Lyman Spencer; Catawba Spirits; Josiah Stacey; Anthony Stanton; Star route; James Steadman; Steam Engine; Andrew Steiger; John Steiger; Caroline Sterenenberger; Christian Sterenenberger; Dr (Cleveland) Sterling; Caroline Sternberger; Catherine Sternberger; Christian Sternberger; Frank Sternberger; Henry Sternberger; William Sternberger; Christian Sternenberger; Andrew Stieger; Alice Stokes; John Stokes; Joseph Stokes; Robert Stokes; Andrew Stoll; Fanny Stoltz; Stone mason; flux Stone; Gilbert Stopko; Store on the Corner; Company Store; Jemima Stow; Libbie Strain; George Strasser; Straw; Sturgeon; Sub-marine cable; Suffrage; Sugar; Rev Thos Suhr; Sultana; Survey; Surveyor; Sweet Valley; Sweet Valley Wine Co; Swimming
— T —
James Tallen; Prof Tasso; Taxes; Teacher; Teamsters; Telegraph; Telephone; The Inn; Annie Thein; Grace Thompson; Virginia Deringer Thompson, Tilden; Titus Road; Titus wine cellar; James Titus; Jared Titus; Lewis Titus; Mehitable Titus; Mehitible Titus; T B Titus; Tobacco; Toledo; C C Townley; Grace Townley; Lula Townley; Mary Townley; Maurice Townley; Township Trustees; George Francis Train; Treischman & Schardt; Henry Treischman; Albert Trieschman; Anthony Trieschman; Catharine Trieschman; Clara Trieschman; Edna Trieschman; Emma Trieschman; Henry Trieschman; John Trieschman; Julia Trieschman; Katherine Trieschman; Trieschman’s Meat Market; William Twidney; Typhoid fever; Typhus Fever
— U —
U S Express Co.; Uncle Sam; Union; Union Vintage Co.; Union Wine Co.; H B Upp; Henry Upp; Norman Upp
— V —
Van Bleck, Barker & Co.; Van Epps; Van Vleck & Co.; Venice; Veterinary Surgeon; Vineyard; Violin; Elizabeth Voght; Henry Voght; Jacob Voght; Apelonian Vogt; Jacob Vogt; Rosa Vogt; William Vogt; Charles Voight; Jacob Voight; Lewis Voight
— W —
John Wagner; Wallbridge; Walleye; Honora Walsh; Louis Walter; Joseph Waltman; Johanna Walz; Wanderer; Anna Ward; Burt Ward; E W Ward; Eddi Ward; Edmund Ward; Edward Ward; Emily Ward; Emma Ward; Hattie Ward; Herbert Ward; Hettie Ward; Lissa Ward; M B Ward; Mary Ward; Melissa Ward; Minerva Ward; Nettie Ward; Uri Ward; Charles Wardy; Water Street; Water Street Café; Water supply; Waterfield & Bertch; Charles Waterfield; John Waterfield; Thomas Waterfield; James Watkins; Robert & Kim Watkins; Weather station; Bob Weaver; Belle Webb; Betsy Webb; Charles Webb; Sarah Webb; William S Webb; Andrew Wehrle; Wehrle; Werk & Sons; J B Weis; Rosina Weller Charles Wells; Charles B Wells; Mary Wells; R E Wentworth; West Bay; West House; West Sister Island; Western Associated Press; W T Wet; Captain Wetstone; Wharf master; D & I Kelley Wharf; north side Wharf; Reinheimer’s Wharf; South Wharf; Wharf, Steamboat; Wheat; Captain Whetstone; Whiskey; Whitefish; Delilah Whitney; Whooping Cough; Frederick Wiers; E A Wilcox; R Dell Wilcox; Herbert Willman; Miss Wilmot; Wind mill; Abilonia Wind; Wine; Wine cask; Wine Co Road; Wine: California, Catawba, still Catawba, Champagne, Delaware, European, Port, sparkling, still, counterfeit; George Wing; J E.Wing; John Wing; Winking Lizard; Winslow; Mr Winslow; Rev Winslow; Elisabeth Wollers; Women’s Rights; Thomas J Wood; Woodford & Hamilton; Electa Woodford; Grace Woodford; Harriet Woodford; Hattie Woodford; Henrietta Woodford; Homer Woodford; J E Woodford; J T Woodford; Jesse Woodford; John Woodford; John T Woodford; Mrs Homer Woodford;  Rollin Woodford; Rosetta Woodford; Sarah Woodford; Woodford’s Point; C F Wooson; Henry Worden; Lydia Worden; Mary Worden; Oliver Worden; WPA; George Wright
— X, Y, Z —
Young People’s Association; Young Peoples’ Library Association; Young Reindeer; Gertrude Younglove; M C Younglove; Maria D Younglove; Moses Younglove; Moses C Younglove; Rosena Zeh; Kate Zehringer; Sophia Zehringer; Zettler family; G Zimmerman
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