CONTENTS 1810-1861

Kelleys Island 1810-1861
The courageous, poignant & often quirky lives of island pioneers.

The first book about Kelleys Island.

100-Day Men; 92nd Illinois Regiment; 12th Kentucky; 17th Ohio; 24th Ohio; 31st Ohio; 35th Ohio; 38th Ohio; 63rd Ohio; 1st Tennessee; 2nd Tennessee; A History of Kelley’s Island Ohio; A P Edwards; Jabez Adams; Mr Allen; Nicholas Ance; Charley Anderson; Argus; The Ark; Army of the Northwest; Atlantic; George Austrand
Lewis Baker; Barnum & Grummets; George Barnum; James Barnum; Baskets; Bass Islands; Battle of Lake Erie; Samuel Beardsley; Walter Beardsley; Christina Beatty; Lewis Beatty; Louis Beatty; Bebo; Becker Wine Co.; William Becker; Becker’s Barn; Elizabeth Belford; Ben Franklin; Beserd; George Best; H Bickford; Hezekiah Bigface; Billiards; Birds; Jim Bissel; Black bear; Black Swamp; Capt Black; Sarah Blackman; Blacksmith; George Bookerman; Dean Borcicault; J D Bourne; Margaret Bradshaw; Brandy; Bride’s loaf; George Bristol; Abigail Brooks; N C Brooks; Brooms; John Brown; Jonas Brown; Fred Buckley; Bull’s Island; Bureau of Indian Affairs; John Burger; Mr Burgoff; Ann Burns; Charles Butler
William Cagney; Calico dresses; George Calkins; Ellen Callahan; John Callander; Alexander Cameron; Andrew Cameron; Candles; Alida Carpenter; Caroline Carpenter; Charles Carpenter; George Carpenter; Lester Carpenter; Mary Carpenter; Sara Carpenter; Carpenter’s dock; Carpenter’s Point; Carpenter’s wine house; Carpenter’s wine cellar; Carpet bag; John Carter; Alexander Cattanach; Duncan Cattanach; Finley Cattanach; Hugh Cattanach; Cement works; Cemetery; Cemetery Association; Chadwick; Osson Chaffe; Mr Chamberlin; Chappel Street; Charlie;Checkers; Chief Chingwauk; Choir; Cholera; Mr.Churchills; Cincinnati; Eliza Clark; Harriet Clark; Miss Clark; William Clark; George Clement; Clemon’s quarry; A J Clemons; Clemons Hubbard; John Clemons; Lucien Clemons; Milo Clemons; Cleveland Academy of Natural Science; Cleveland Historical Association; Cleveland Historical Society; Cleveland Museum of Natural History; Clocks; Judge Coe; Captain Coit; Joseph Coit; Richard Coit; Joseph Cole; Patrick Colony; Comet; John Conklin; John Conly; Consuello; Eleutheros Cooke; Cooking Stoves; Cooper shop; Cora; Covington; P Book Cowdery; Rev Crane; Crazy Jane; Cumberland House; Cunningham; Mr Curtis
D & I Kelley; Mr Daily; Mr Daley; Datus Dean; Jerry Dean; John Dean; Lucius Dean; M A Dean; Oscar Dean; Benjamin Deeley; Bernard Deutch; Miss Devine; Charles Dickens; Diphtheria; Amalia Dishinger; Division Street; North side Dock; South Side Dock; Doctor; Doctor’s office; Luther Dodge; Dover; Dusler; Anton Duysing; Alonzo Dwelle; Charles Dwelle; Electa Addie Dwelle; Elijah Dwelle; Hubbard Dwelle; Jerrold Dwelle; Lydia Dwelle; Sylvester Dwelle
E Page True & Co.; Eagles; Martha Eastland; Captain Eastman; A J.Eldred; William Eldredge; Fred Elfers; Elisha Ellis; Mr Ellis; Henry Ellithorp; Cyrus Ellithorpe; Henry Ellithorpe; Harry Elwell; Oliver Emery; Adeline Estes; James Estes; John Estes; Evening Star
F & N Kelley; F & N Kelley’s dock; Michael Falvey; Dr Fann; Mr Farwell; Fashion; Fat Man; Owen Faucett; Fence Viewer; Fergison; Albert Finadere; Dorothy Finadere; Fire Lands history; George Firkins; Fish house; Mildred Fisher; Pounds Fishing; Commercial Fishing; Chester Flocking; Flora Temple; Forester; Simon Fox; Francis’ Metallic Life Boats; Fremont; Stephen French; Frink; George Fuller
Frederick Gaylord; Gazelle; Henry Geisman; Nelson Gerard; Andrew Germain; Elizabeth Germain; Eve Germain; German Reform Church; Gibralter; Gill nets; Albert Gillett; Glacial Grooves; Jacob Glazner; Glee Club; William Goodwin; Bill Gorchester; Robert Goslin; G G Grady; Grampus; Grapesticks; Grindstones; Joe Grummet; John Guerin; Maime Guerin
George Hagerty; Henry Haines; Hamilton winery; Ann Hamilton; Eliza Hamilton; Elzina Hamilton; Frank Hamilton; James Hamilton; Mitchell Hamilton; Sabra Hamilton; Samuel Hamilton; Titus Hamilton; William Hamilton; Mattie Hanna; Louis Harmes; Harmonium; Henry Harney; Alice Harris; Delinda Harris; Henry Harris; Johnathon Harris; Jothan Harris; Lydia Harris; Mary Harris; Mary Jane Harris; John Harsh; Franklin Hart; George Haskill; Nicholas Haskins; Fred Hauser; John Hauser; Walter Havighurst; Hay scales; Alberty Grant Hayes; Anna Hayes; Ellen Hayes; Jacob Hayes; Rutherford Hayes; Helen Mar; Ira Henderson; Frederick Henry; Norman Hills; Himmelein Hotel; John Himmelein; Hitchcock & Kelley Co.; A.Hitchcock; Hitchcock’s Express; Hogs; Martin Holbrook; Richard Holland; Casper Hubschmidt; August Hufschmidt; John Hughes; Michael Hughes; Major Hukell; T C Hull; Hummingbird; Huntington Earthworks; Daniel Huntington; Emeline Huntington; Erastus Huntington; George Huntington; Joseph Huntington; Simon Huntington; Stella Huntington
Ice skating; Inscription Rock; Island House; Island No 6; Island Queen
H N Johnson; James Johnson; Johnson’s Island; J Jubenville
Bridget Karavun; Karral Karslee; William Kastning; Kelley Earthworks; Kelley Island Wine Co.; Addison Kelley; Alfred Kelley; Alfred S Kelley; Angeline Kelley; Ann Kelley; Betsey Kelley; Caroline Kelley; Charles Kelley; Daniel Kelley; Datus Kelley; Douglas Kelley; Edward Kelley; Edward Datus Kelley; Edwin Kelley; Elizabeth Kelley; Emeline Kelley; Everett Kelley; Evie Kelley; F & N Kelley; Francis Kelley; Frank Kelley; Franklin Kelley; Fred Kelley; Frederick Kelley; George Kelley; Harmon Kelley; Heber Kelley; Hermon Kelley; Horace Kelley; Irad Kelley; Julius Kelley; Lydia Kelley; Mamie Kelley; Martha Kelley; Mary Kelley; Mary Caroline (Mamie) Kelley; Mrs A Kelley; Norman Kelley; Samuel Kelley; Sara Kelley; Sterling Herman Kelley; William Kelley; Zina Kelley; Kelley’s Hall; Kelley’s Island Distillery; Kelley’s Island Lime & Transport Co.; Kelley’s Island Wine Co.; Mary Kellogg; Horace Kelly; Robert Kelly; O & E Kenney; J B Key; Justice Keyes; Killam; John Kinsman; Sumner Knapp; Mr Knowlton; Mrs Knowlton; Edward Kuchar; Christ Kurtz
Mr Ladd; Lake Erie Steamboat Co.; Sarah Lambert; Henry Lange; Hugh Lange; Ben Lawson; Delinda Lawton; Jacob Lawton; William Lawton; Owen Leonard; Library; Life Boat; Lincoln Road; Emmett Lincoln; John Lincoln; Joseph Lincoln; Morris Lincoln; Literary Society; James Lockwood; Long Point; Lover’s Point; Lyceum
Mad River Railroad; James Maiten; William Malley; Marblehead; Charles Martin; Frances Martin; Frank Martin; Frederick Martin; James Martin; John Martin; Margaret Martin; Mary Martin; Patrick Martin; Susan Martin; Matches; Russ Matso; John May; McClellan John; Ezra McCollister; Alexander McCormick; Celina McCormick; Dr F B McCormick; John McCormick; John McDonald; McFaden; McGettigan Winery; Barney McGettigan; Charles McGettigan; Edward McGettigan; James McGettigan; John McGettigan; Margaret McGettigan; Marge McGettigan; Nancy McGettigan; Seth McGettigan; James McGinnis; Thomas McGuire; Daniel McHinton; John McIntosh; John McLane; McNight-Smith Monumental Works; McPague; Mary McPeake; Patrick McPeake; Lucindon Meacham; Meachum; Montgomery C Meigs; J B Merrick; Fredric Meyers; Mice and rats; Middle Bass Island; Middle Island; Ann Millard; Owen Miller; Albert Mincham; August Mincham; Caroline Mincham; Hellen Mincham; Hiram Mincham; Lucinda Mincham; Prudence Mincham; John Miner; Monaghan Road; Bridget Monaghan; Eliza Monaghan; Farin Monaghan; James Monaghan; John Monaghan; Marg Monagha; Margaret Monaghan; Patrick Monaghan; Terrence Monaghan; William Monaghan; Monarch Wine Co.; Eliza Moore; Rosetta Moore; Moore’s Dock; Moses Morel; Mary Morgan; Theodore Morgan; William Morgan; Dr Morse; Henry Morton; John Moysey; Mt Vernon; Music Class; Music Hollow; Music lessons; Musical Society; Musical Union; Muskrats
N Kelley & Co.; Nails; Ben Napier; Elizabeth Neal; Charles Nelson; New Germany; Norman Kelley & Co.; David Norris; Lydia Norris; Lydia Estes Norris; North Bass Island; North Dock; North Pond; North Quarry; North Side Rock; Northern Indiana; Number One; Thomas Nuttall
Oberlin College; ODNR; Ohio Archaeological Society; Ohio Pomological Society; Ohio State Archeological & Historical Society; Henry Ohlemacher; Old Cub; Charles Olmsted; George Orr; George Osborn; Ottawa City; Overseer of the Poor; Ox cart
E Page; James Palladino; Professor Palmer; Archibald Parthon; Patriot Army; Deuiderie Pauning; Pelee Island; Joseph Perkins; Simon Perkins; William Philips; Photography; Phrenology; May Pickard; Mrs Picket; Pictographs; Plaster Bed; Point Au Pelee; Henry Pope; Angeline Porter; Poschile; Poschile and Bebo; Post Office; Pound fishing; Pound Fishing; G Michael Pratt; Eldridge Preston; George Preston; Mary Preston; Samuel Preston; Henry Pringnitz; Esther Procket; Henry Provots; Put-in-Bay
Quinn; Caroline Quinn; Elizabeth Quinn; J Quinn; James Quinn; Jane Quinn; Mary Quinn; Susan Quinn; Thomas Quinn
Joann Raab; Margaret Raab; Railroad; Rattlesnakes; Charles Reidy; John Reidy; Frank Reinheimer; Rhina; Ann Rice; Cyrus Rice; Isaac Rice; Iola Riedy; Johann Riedy; John Riedy; Patrick Riley; Ann Robinson; Christopher Robinson; Edward Robinson; Elizabeth Robinson; Rock Elm; Christopher Rockenbau; Rockport; John Rockwell; R Rodemun; S G Rossiter; Rush Winery; Anna Roesch Rush; Anton Rush; Jacob Rush; Mary Rush; Sarah Rush; Thomas Rush; Lydia Ryall
Aaron Sabra; Adaline Sabra; Bradford Sabra; Elizabeth Sabra; George Sabra; Sandusky Island; James Sarne; Frank Saunders; August Schaedler; Adam Schardt; Mrs Schardt; Schardt’s Hotel; School; Singing School; Sunday School; Henry Schoolcraft; Erastus Scot; Horace Scot; Scott’s Point; Seaway Marina; Hunter Seeley; Aaron Severy; Bradford Severy; M Severy; Joseph Shebley; Sheep; F Shipple; Frederick Shipple; Shipwreck; Charles Shirley; Shoe repair; John Shoemaker; Peter Shook; Sally Side; Sarah Side; Pitt Simmons; Fishing Sinkers; Skeletons; Azel Slaghr; Harriet Slaghr; Sara Slaghr; Slavery; Sleigh riding; Small pox; Alice Smith; Jonathan Smith; Tinker [Ephraim] Smith; Smithsonian; Snake Rocks; Soldiers Aid Society; Somerset, Ky.; South Pond; Russ Sperry; Spiritualism; Sportsman; Rivera St Jurjo; State Fish Hatchery; Steamboat Dock; Steamboat Wharf; Dr E.Sterling; Charles Steubenhoffer; George Steubenhoffer; Chester Stocking; Charles Stokes; John Stokes; Stone Dock; Stone Fences; Stone School House; Benjamin Stookey; Store on the Corner; Storm; George Stubenhoffer; Suffrage; Sweet Valley; Sweet Valley Wine Co.; Mary Sweet; George Swift; Swipes
Table Rock; Tailor; O STaylor; Zachery Taylor; Teacher; Jack Thinnes; Levi Thompson; Theresa Thorndale; George Thornpsero; Tiber River; Daniel Tilden; Tinken, Ephraim; Titus Road; Angeline Titus; Harriet Titus; James Titus; Jared Titus; John Titus; Julia Titus; Justus Titus; Lydia Titus; Mehitable Titus; Mr Titus; Nancy Titus; Prudence Titus; Sabra Titus; Steven Titus; Zipporah Titus; John Towle; Ruth Towle; Uriah Tracy; Emma Trieschman; Carro True; ETrue; Ezekiel True; Ezekiel Page True; William True; Hudson Tuttle
Uncle Sam; Union Guards
Valentines; Van Rensalaer Township; Venice; Charles Verguson; William Vessey; VFW Post 9908; The Villa; Jacob Voght; R P Vorce
Delinda Wait; F Wait; George Wait; L P Waldo; Walk-in-the-Water; Ann Ward; E Ward; Ed.Ward; Edmund Ward; Edward Ward; Emily Ward; John Ward; Mary Ward; Mehitable Ward; Melissa Ward; Milesa Ward; Nancy Ward; Uri Ward; Warehouse; Water Street; Water Witch; George Watkins; James Watkins; Julania Watkins; Mary Wausman; Betsey Webb; Elizabeth Webb; Sarah Webb; William S Webb; Joe Weitenhoffer; Barb Weitman; Charles Wells; James Wells; Jerry West; Western Reserve Historical Association; Western Reserve Historical Society; North Wharf; South Wharf; Wheat; Charles Whittlesey; Col Whittlesey; George Wiers; Joseph Willett; William Mathews; Asa Williams; Lucinda Williams; Matilda Williams; Roxanna Williams; Wine Dock; John Wing; Winslow; George Winzeler; Wolf; Governor Wood; Lucretia Wood; Angaline Woodford; Electa Woodford; Harriet Woodford; Homer Woodford; J E Woodford; Jesse Woodford; John Woodford; Sarah Woodford; Worden; Henry Worden; O D Worden; George Wright; Jabez Wright; James Wright
—X, Y, Z—
Zinnie; General Zollicoffer; Zouave