CONTENTS – This is what’s in
Kelleys Island 1862-1865
The Civil War, the Island Soldiers, & the Island Queen
100-Day Men; 100th Ohio; 101st Ohio; 101st Regiment; 122nd N Y Reg.; 124th Ohio; 12th Ohio Cavalry; 12th Kentucky; 130th Ohio; 132nd Ohio; 134th Ohio; 13th Battalion; 17th Illinois; 1st Ohio battery; 1st Reg’t; 1st Regiment; 1st Regiment Heavy Artillery; 22nd Louisiana Infantry; 24th Ohio; 26th Ohio; 2nd Minn Battery; 31st Brigade; 31st Ohio; 35th Ohio; 38th Ohio; 3rd Ohio Cavalry; 49th Ohio; 70th Ohio; 7th Ohio; Benjamin Aldridge; American Wine Co.; Andersonville Prison; Antietam; Sylvester Atwood; Augustana
Bachelors; William Baker; Baltic; E C Bamord; Bardstown; E C Barnard; Barometers; Edward Bartche; Elizabeth Bartche; Jacob Bartche; Clara Barton; Baseball; Battle of Chattanooga; Battle of Perryville; Battle of Shiloh; Bridget Bauman; Samuel Bauman; John Baumler; Bay View Hotel; John Beall; Aurilla Beatty; Christine Beatty; Jacob Beatty; John Beatty; Lewis Beatty; Louis Beatty; M Beatty; Michael Beatty; Lydia Bechtel; George Becker; Ruben Becker; William Becker; Philip Beckstead; Bermuda Hundred; Geraldine Betzenheimer; Blacksmith; Bloodless 101st; Bonnie Boat; George Bookerman; John Boos; Bostona; John Bourier; J D Bourne; Solomon Bowman; Jean Boyd; Brandy; Michael Brennan; Thomas Brennan; George Bristol; Jennie Bristol; Edward Broman; Thomas Broman; N C Brooks; Ann Brown; Howard Brown; Otto Brown; Buckeye Realty Co.; Buell’s retreat; Bull’s Island; John Burger; William Burger; Daniel Burns; Patrick Burns
Cahaba Prison; John Call; Andrew Cameron; Camp Cleveland; Camp Lucas; Camp Monroeville; Camp Parole; Camp Toledo; Michael Campbell; Canadian threat; Alida Carpenter; Caroline Carpenter; Charles Carpenter; Lester Carpenter; William Carpenter; Carpenter’s wine cellar; Carrester; Catherine Carter; John Carter; Castle Morgan; Cats; Hugh Cattanach; Cemetery; Daniel Chapin; Martin Chapin; R H Chapin; Chickamauga; Catholic Church; Congregational Church; German Evangelical Church; German Reform Church; Holy Angels Church; Citizen; James Clary; Jeanette Cleary; Milo Clemons; Cleveland Sportsman’s Club; F W Cogswell; Bell Cole; William & Barb Coleman; Mary Comstock; Corinth; Cotton; Cows; J W Cracraft; Thomas Croft; Patrick Cropper
Dart; S A Davis; Lewis Day; Dead Line; Jerry Dean; John Dean; Oscar Dean; James Denison; Henry Dishinger; Huntington’s Dock; Kelley & Webb Dock; Middle Dock; Railroad Dock; Steamboat Dock; Upper Dock; Doctor; J W Dodge; Sophia Dodge; Dogs vs Sheep; John Dolan; Dominican Nuns of Adrian; William Ducher; Katia Duey; Anton Duysing; Nellie Duysing; Alonzo Dwelle; Homer Dwelle; Hubbard Dwelle; Jared Dwelle; Lydia Dwelle; Nelson Dwelle; Sylvester Dwelle
Eagle; A J Eldred; Andrew J Eldred; Harmon Eldred; Jonathan Eldred; L Eldred; S Eldred; Elfer’s Store; Fred Elfers; Henry Elfers; Henry Ellithorpe; Carl Erne; Charles Erne; Friedoline Erne; Adeline Estes; James Estes; Jacob Everette
Ellen Fallon; Michael Falvey; Charles Farciot; Fat Man; Captain Fernald; Fighting Island; Fire Department; Firelands Pioneer; Firelands Historical Society; Florence Prison; General Forrest; George Forsythe; Fort Crogan; Julia Fox; Franklin Pike; Fremont; Stephen French; Frontier Guards; Colonel Fry
Henry Galligher; Pat Galligher; William Garnet; Daniel Garret; Henry Garrett; D W Gasset; Gazelle; General Grant; George Gerlach; German polka; Frederick Gherkens; James Glenn; James Golay; Grape Growers; Grape Rot; Charles Green
George Hagerty; Edward Haley; Eliza Hamilton; Elzina Hamilton; Emily Hamilton; James Hamilton; Mitchell Hamilton; Samuel Hamilton; Titus Hamilton; William Hamilton; Captain Hanchette; Hancock Wood Electric Co-op; Hard tack; Harlequin; John Harly; Harmonium; Henry Harris; Jothan Harris; John Hauser; Mary Hauser; Jesse Hawes; Marion Hawk; Hay scales; Hamilton Hayes; Jacob Hayes; Colonel Howard Henderson; Irving Hiett; Rev T F Hildreth; Norman Hills; William Hills; John Himmelein; Robert Hinde; Carrie Hipp; Leonard Hipp; Alexander Hitchcock; Hitchcock’s Express; Casper Hoffschmidt; Hogg’s Sawmill; Charlotte Holbrook; Martin Holbrook; Richard Holland; Jerome Holley; Orlando Holley; Hollister; Hospital; Alfred Howlett; M P Howlett; Mary Howlett; Alice Huber; Casper Hubschmidt; Michael Hughes; Daniel Huntington; Emeline Huntington; Erastus Huntington; George Huntington; Joseph Huntington; Simon Huntington; Theophania Huntington; Horace Hutton; J Hutton; John Hutton; Lewis Hutton; William Hutton
Ice Boat; Ice house; Income Tax; Independent Order of Island Loafers; Irish Jig; Ironclad mail boat; Isabella; Island House; Island Queen; Islander; Rudolph Iucker
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President Johnson; Johnson’s Island; Johnson’s Island Band; Colonel Samuel Jones; Henry Jorden
Kansas; Stephen Kappas; Edward Kappers; Christopher Kastning; Frederick Kastning; C C Keech; Virginia Keefer; George Keifer; A S Kelley; Addison Kelley; Alfred Kelley; Ann Kelley; Barnard Kelley; Charles Kelley; Darlene Kelley; Datus Kelley; Douglas Kelley; Edwin Kelley; Emeline Kelley; Everett Kelley; F & N Kelley; Francis Kelley; Frank Kelley; Franklin Kelley; Frederick Kelley; Fredrena Kelley; George Kelley; Hattie Kelley; Herman Kelley; Hermon; Alfred Kelley; Irad Kelley; John Kelley; Julius Kelley; Laura Kelley; Marcella Kelley; Mary Kelley; Nancy Kelley; Norman Kelley; Sara Kelley; William Kelley; Kelley’s Hall; Kelley’s Island Lime & Transport Co.; Kelley’s Island Literary Society; Kelley’s Pond; Kelley’s Hall; Kelleys Island Co.; E S Kenney; O V Kenney; Edwin Kinney; Mary Klevens; Rev J B Kniest; Knob Gap; Mrs Knowlton; Bruce Korenko; Leslie Korenko; Donald & Bernie Koshla; Christian Koster; Emma Koster; Harmon Koster; Hermon Koster; Paul Kromer; Edward Kuchar
James Laden; Lange & Carpenter; Balbina Lange; Frank Lange; Frederick Lange; Henry Lange; Stella Lange; Virginia Lange; Lange’s saloon; Delinda Lawton; Jacob Lawton; William Lemley; Libby Prison; Lime Creek; Emmett Lincoln; Joseph Lincoln; M Lincoln; Marion Lincoln; Morris Lincoln; President Lincoln; Literary Society; Little Eastern; Little Mountain; Little Visitor; The Lodge; Don & Linda Loehrig; Donald Loehrig; James & Donna Lovins; Lyceum
Daniel Maag; George Magle; Henry Magle; A Mainty; August Mantay; Marine Brigade; Marine Services; Charles Martin; Elizabeth Martin; Harriet Martin; James Martin; John Martin; Joseph Matso; Russ Matso; Matso’s Place; John May; Mayflower; Alexander McCormick; Richard McCready; John McCue; Rev McCune; Robert McCune; Bernard McGettigan, Jr.; Charles McGettigan; Edward McGettigan; James McGettigan; John McGettigan; John McLane; Charles McWorthy; U L Meachum; Joseph Meir; Melodeon; J B Merrick; Frederick Meyers; Michigan; Middle Bass Island; Middle Island; Cindra Mielke; Adam Miller; Anthony Miller; Dennis Miller; William Minshall; Daniel Mischler; Missionary Ridge; Mississippi Marine Brigade; Charles Mitchell; General Mitchell; Sarah Mitchell; William Mitchell; Mittens; John Monaghan; William Monaghan; Monarch of the Glen; Monarch Wine Co.; Terrance Monegan; Monitor; Montreal; Rosetta Moore; John Moos; Captain Morgan; Morgan’s Guerrillas; Dave Morris; B F Morton; George Morton; Robert Moysey; William Moysey; Muldraugh’s Hill; Mule Brigade; Munfordsville; Murfreesboro; Murfreesborough; Patrick Murphy; John Murray; Music classes; Musical Union
Nashville; Nolinsville; Nunan Map
O’Neil; Oberlin College; Ohio National Guard; Henry Ohlemacher; Old horse Jack; Captain Orr; George Orr; Ottawa City General Store
Betty Pape; Patriot Army; F L Pease; Pelee Island; James Pellet; George Penfield; Perryville; Philo Parsons; Dr Pickett; Pioneer Corps.; Pittsburgh Landing; Point of Rocks; Point-au-Pelee; Henry Pope; Post Master; Post Office; Jerry Potter; Henry Pringnitz; Put-in-Bay
Quarry, South; Charles Quinn; James Quinn; Mary Quinn; Mary Jane Quinn; Thomas Quinn
August Raab; Railroad; John Ranft; Frank Reinheimer; Fred Reinheimer; Henry Reinheimer; Ida Reinheimer; John Reinheimer; Reinheimer’s Store; M Reynold; Michael Reynolds; Frederick Rhors; John Rickert; Frank Riedy; Henry Riedy; Pauline Riedy; Robert Riedy; Charles Robinson; Edward Robinson; Anna Rohrs; Mary Rohrs; Hon J M Root; Rorch; General Rosecrans; Louis Rosenthal; Rossiter & Colver; S G Rossiter; Ann Rush; Anna Rush; Anton Rush; Antone Rush; Jacob Rush; Sarah Rush; Thomas Rush; Theodore Rusnak; Lydia Ryall
Salisbury Prison; Saloon; Sara Jane; Saratoga; Adam Schaedler; August Schaedler; Adam Schardt; Robert Schelb; Henry Schlesselman; Frederick Schipple, Robert Schnittker; William Schnittker; School District No 1; School District No 2; School District No 3; School Spirit newspaper; Catholic School; Estes School; High School; Select School; Stone School; Sunday School; Union Sunday School; John Schropp; James and Martha Seaman; Seasick; Jim & Anne Sennish; Bradford Severy; John Sharp; Joseph Shebley; Sheep; Frederick Shippel; Shipwreck; Charles Shirley; John Sichryet; Sidell; Pitt Simmons; Sled; Ann Smith; Charles Smith; George W Smith; James Smith; Nick Smith; Snails; Soldiers Aid Society; Sons of Liberty; South Bass; Spittoon; Judson Sprandal; Springfield rifles; St Cloud Hotel; St Joseph’s College & Academy; St Michael’s Catholic Church; Austin Stansell; Christian Sternberger; Christopher Sternberger; George Steubenhoffer; George Steward; Phillip Stichter; Stokes Winery; Charles Stokes; Honora Stokes; John Stokes; William Stokes; Stone River; Stone trade; Store on the Corner; Caroline Strasser; George Strasser; Joseph Strasser; George Suhr; Sultana; Engelbert Sutter; Sweet Valley; Sweet Valley Wine Co.
Telegraph; Titus Road; James Titus; Jared Titus; John Titus; Louis Titus; Lydia Titus; Oscar Titus; Oscar & Lewis Titus; Tobacco; Governor Tod; Dr Townsend; Henry Trieschman; Ezekiel True; Harriet True; William True; Robert Tweedney; William Twidney
U S Sanitary Commission; Union Trust Co.
Valentines; Captain Vessey; Vicksburg; The Villa; William Villemeyer; Henry Voght; Jacob Voht; Louis Voght; Volunteer Militia; Captain Vorce
George Wait; Edmund Ward; Edward Ward; Emily Ward; John Ward; Melissa Ward; Uri Ward; Warran Holding Co.; James Watkins; Weaver’s Theatrical Troupe; J P Webb; Sarah Webb; William S Webb; Charles Wells; West Bay; Gerald West; Captain Whitby; S White; Whitney; Wild Cat retreat; Wine; John Wing; Robert Wing; Caroline Wohlfarth; Angeline Woodford; Electa Woodford; Harriet Woodford; Homer Woodford; J E Woodford; Jesse Woodford; John Woodford; Sarah Woodford; Henry Worden; O D Worden; O S Worden; Oliver Worden; George Wright
-X Y Z-
Young Peoples Association; Zephyr; General Zollicoffer; Zouave